
The Silver Throne: Chapter 1

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Save The Queen

Dragons are the very epitome of evil. These ungodly serpents have proven to be nothing more than the harbingers of doom and misery upon mankind. Some of these spawns of Satan might try and deceive you with smooth words and miracles into thinking they are our friends and have no intention to harm us. Walk by faith and not by sight, for the unclean serpents will only try to lull us into a false sense of security and make us all their prey when our guard is down. The Chinese and other people might tell you a different story, that the appearance of these dragons all over the world is a sign of good fortune and that they will guard and protect this world. Ha! Pay no heed to these Asian superstitions. Cast out those old serpents, cast them out. Raise your voice and let them hear that this nation belongs to us humans! Humans first! Humanity First!

                 -Alexander Morgan, Chairman of Humanity First

The ornate doors of Buckingham Palace swung wide open and a small crowd of people burst forth. A score of men dressed in black, pressed suits ushered along an diminutive elderly woman. A Sea King helicopter stood waiting in the back garden of the palace, its running rotor kicked up a small whirlwind of fallen leaves and dust. The side doors of the helicopter were slid open by one of the pilots.

"Keep moving." One of the black-suited men said. "We must get her Majesty to safety before- before any of...of them show up and-" His words were lost over the roaring engines of the Sea King and the crash of thunder in the sky. Small droplets of rain started to drop from the steel grey evening sky. The black-suited man looked up nervously at the sky, eyes frantically darting from left to right. "Your Majesty," he began to the elderly lady next to him. "We can not dally." The man's voice was pleading and urgent but the elderly lady made no effort to pick up her pace. She continued to walk towards the helicopter at a leisurly pace, as if she was just taking her usual stroll through the palace garden her face betraying no emotion at all though she did cast a fleeting glance at the men behind her. Two servants were ushering along her five corgis, the little dogs barked and whined and yipped, clearly upset from having their rest disturbed and being dragged out into the cold and rain.

Hearing a different sound in the distance, Queen Elizabeth now too looked at the sky. At first she mistook the sound for just a gust of wind, only it didn't die down. In fact, it grew louder the longer she listened. Soon the deep thrumming was so loud she could place it: huge beating wings above the palace to her left. Thunder struck again and then ... silence, a jagged bolt of lighting illuminated the sky above the palace. A dark winged silhouette briefly stood out against the clouds dropping rapidly.

Now she knew what she was seeing, she could make out the shape of its body, it was the largest thing she'd ever seen, bigger than a house. The curl there was a tail, folding in on itself. She could just make out the glint of giant claws, ivory spikes as long as daggers. At the end of a snakelike neck bent into an arc, was the head. Its body was covered with hundreds of hard scales. There was no mistake about it, she was looking straight up at one of those creatures. One of those reptilian creatures who had sprang up out of nowhere all across the world without warning, reason or explanation. There was no doubt that these dragons, as everyone was calling these creatures, were dangerous. One of those beasts had even burnt down half of Paris only a month ago. Did the myths of old came back to life to wreak havoc upon the world once more? The myth now flying above her palace was all too real.

Elizabeth didn't wipe away clinging leaves or shake tepid rainwater off. She didn't even notice those things. All she could see now was the incredible creature flying before her. Its flight was erratic, the dragon was swaying from left to right and its wings beat asymmetrically, as if the creature didn't even know how to use its own appendages properly. It came lower and lower, just when it looked like it would crash right on top of the roof of the palace it angled its wings and gained height again, sailing clumsy over the roof with just a few inches to spare. The tip of its tail however was left dragging behind. It struck the roof with a resounding crash that sent a shower of wood and debris over the back garden.

The dragon filled everything. With it came a deafening roar that sounded like all the mountains in England collapsing at once. The air filled with broken rock, brick, and other debris. The Queen was vaguely aware of someone shouting behind her, a shrill cry of panic. She felt hands on her back, someone completely disregarding protocol, pushed her out of harms way. Bits of wood and chunks of stone prickled her skin as she spun through a world dissolved to grey and black. She barely had time to wonder how far she had to fall when she jolted to a stop. Splintered wood rained down around her. Gradually the bombardment lessened, then stopped. Despite being buried alive, she managed to keep calm and think. The terrible sound, like a stone screeching as it was grounded to dust, had stopped though her ears still ringed. Whatever had happened out there was over.

Queen Elizabeth gradually opened her eyes again. Half the palace's roof was gone, smashed to kindling. A broken iron beam lay crumpled over the remains of the Sea King helicopter, blue-orange flames accompanied by a plume of black smoke rose from its unhinged side door. The pilot lay a few feet away, unmoving with his face down on the grass. His helmet was still rolling down the cobblestone path before spinning to a stop. The other members of her security detachment where nowhere to be seen. She just realized she had lost her only means to get to safety. She felt no fear, even though her heart raced in her chest, just a feeling of detachment of the world around her. Besides, screaming in panic was hardly fitting behavior for one with royal blood.

She ordered her body to crawl from under the pieces of wood and debris, but her legs refused. She turned her head to check herself for injuries, her full-skirted chiffon dress was shredded in several placed and strained with mud and water, her silk hat was half buried under a beam that had narrowly missed her head, but the only thing that appeared to be injured was her pride. A low moan drew her attention, the helicopter pilot had regained consciousness and raised himself up, swaying dangerously from left to right. He was clutching an ugly gash on his forehead, a trail of blood ran down his face. When he noticed the Queen laying on the ground he seemed to regain some sense of purpose. The pilot half walked, half stumbled towards her but when he was halfway to reaching her, the young airman sudden stopped as if he had turned into a statue. He called out, the ringing in Elizabeth's ears drowned out the man's words, but the tone in his voice was that of shock and concern. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, he lumbered back and tripped over a low ornamental hedge.

Before Elizabeth could begin to ponder the pilot's reaction, she broke out in sweat and tingled suddenly from the roots of her silver grey hair to the ends of her toes. Something stung her hand, she slowly lifted her hand in front of her eyes, perhaps she had sustained some minor injuries after all. All the veins in her hand were bulging out. Elizabeth shook her hand about, trying to get the numb feeling out of it. It felt as if her skin was being stretched and pulled from the inside. Something broke her skin, small silver scales, glittering with metallic luster in the firelight. She checked her other hand and noticed the same thing happening there as well. Panic began to well up, she ran her hand against the scales, they were real. Smooth and cool to the touch, like they had been sculpted out of pure sliver. Elizabeth tried to keep her composure, but now a scream forced itself upwards.

The scales started to march up her arms, her body ached, a wild fire streaking throughout it. She could feel the muscles in her arms begin to swell and grow, new strength and vigor, like she hadn't felt since her her youth, began to fill her. Now her hands began to change, her fingernails were falling out, and in their place, sharp dagger-like onyx claws emerged. By now full realization was setting in: she was turning into one of those creatures. Before she could contemplate the insanity of it, the changes picked up speed.

The scales now covered her shoulders and met at her spine as her body continued to grow and grow. It felt like something was pulling on her tailbone, with several sickening pops and tears, a long tail wormed its way down, tearing away her skirt, growing longer and longer until it was almost as long as her body. Two enormous limbs broke free of her back, wings like silken sails unfurled behind her. They were still growing larger. The long wings were broadest along the trailing edge. The wing membrane attached to her body behind the rear legs and well down the tail. Her scales spread up her lengthening neck all the way to her head. The pearl necklace she had been wearing snapped. As her neck was lengthening, she could look around to see more of herself. Growing larger still, she could see silver plates running along her chest. The pressure gained more momentum, it moved towards her head.

The pressing sensation was growing now at an accelerated rate, she felt her whole body bulking up. Her clothes were now practically pressed into her skin and the pressure was still building. It was as if she was being filled up like a balloon, as if her muscles had suddenly decided to grow larger. Even her back, which had been giving her some trouble as of late, felt thicker and stronger. Her muscles writhed beneath her skin, bulging impossibly, tearing her clothes to shreds.

She felt her jaw crack and shift. Her nose and upper jaw fused together and pushed out, forming a long reptilian muzzle ending in a smooth shiny plate that formed a beaklike nose. Her curly grey hair fell out, replaced by two smooth shiny horns with dark tips. Her ears elongated becoming spined frills. Her tongue became longer and thinner, ending in a point. Her teeth enlarged, hardened and turned into vicious ivory fangs. There was a creaking noise as the bones of her lower jaw settled into their new position, forming a strong chin with a dangling frill that looked like a goatee. Keratinous spines emerged, a magnificent frill rose high over her head and continued down her swanlike neck and back to the tip of her tail. The frill closest to her body was a lighter silvery color and the color became more deeper and more blue in hue toward the edge. Long spines with dark tips supported the frill. Also, her legs had taken on a digit-grade stance, which now felt completely natural to her.

Her eyes watered and stung and she was forced to close them. Her blue eyes lightened, then turned brilliant azure-white until they resembled orbs of mercury glowing sharply in the darkness and expanding into the whites as her pupils became slits. When she opened her eyes again, she found that her vision had sharpened and focused.

The grand muscle tone had finally reached its summit all across her draconic body. With a breath, as thunder once more split the sky, she staggered to her full height. Finally standing about 56 feet tall and spanning 240 feet in length from the end of her muzzle to the tip of her tail. Silver scales shone as bright as fire-forged metal, sparkling and shimmering amid the heat of the blaze coming from the helicopter. She no longer felt fear or panic, it was replaced by a wild and trembling exaltation. For a moment, all vestiges of reservation and calmness were forced to the back of her mind. For one moment she didn't care who or what was watching her. With a buffet of her wings, the silver dragon rose to her rear legs, braving the thunder and lightning of the downpour with a resounding clarion cry. Ice swelled from her breath, mixing into the rain to form a long cone of cold glittering sleet. Snow fell around the garden, cold and white, icing over the last of the fire and turned the storm into a hazy drift of cotton. Elizabeth stared up at it, watching it fall. She was frozen like a statue amid the drifting stars of ice. Even the voice of the storm slowed and quieted, the thunder muffling its voice into a hesitant peace. The fire leaping from the helicopter turned to smoke and ash.

The pilot who had just had been standing there, torn between awe and panic finally found a voice for his fears again. "A doctor, get a doctor!" He yelled as he turned around to flee, slipping over the wet and sleek stones.

"Somebody! the Queen!" Elizabeth could only watch him disappear into the darkness.
After spending centuries in hibernation and disguised as humans, the dragons of old reawaken. Oblivious to their true nature, the awakening is a complete shock to both the dragons themselves and the humans surrounding them. One of those unwitting dragons is Elizabeth, the Queen of England. As chaos and panic seizes the whole United Kingdom in it's grip, Queen Elizabeth struggles to find her place again in the changed world, torn between her own species and her own subjects, she remains the only one able to avert the devastating war between man and dragon which already hangs over the beleaguered island nation.

This is the first chapter of "The Silver Throne" a story I am writing when I have some time on my hands. While it is a sequel to "The Twin Fires" you don't need to have read it in order to understand this one, but it will put things in perspective. You can find it in my gallery. [link]

Yes, I am aware that Queen Elizabeth is a real and living person but it is not my intention to mock or ridicule anyone with this, it's just a fictional story. That being said, i am always open for feedback or suggestions.

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Saphira123456's avatar
All Hail the Queen!